Replacement Parts
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Replacement schedule for breast pump parts

Benefits of replacing your breast pump parts
Breast pump parts wear out. Consider it a badge of honour. The good news is: new parts = new pump! Let us take you through why, what, when and how to replace and recycle your worn out parts so you can enjoy optimum performance from your breast pump once more. Save time, pressure, battery and output by following our helpful tips.
Responsible disposal of used breast pump parts

Embody Parts
All the replacement parts you need to keep your Embody wearable breast pump running at its optimum efficiency.

The INs Parts
We've got all the spare parts for your The INs wearable breast pump right here.

Express Cups Parts
We're all stocked up on replacement parts for your The ONE Express Cups just in case you've lost something, worn it through with use, or want to keep a spare on hand.

The ONE Parts
No need to worry about wearing out or losing any parts of your The ONE pump, we keep all the spares you'll ever need on stock.